Dr. Scott Buss

Dr. Scott Buss - Institute of Music, Worship and the Arts @ The Heartland Assembly Jan. 2022

Transcript of the Word Released by Dr. Scott Buss

Aren’t you glad The Word says that the body is the fullness of Him that fills us all in  all? The world has waited a long time to see the manifestation of that Word that is a promise of God. I believe we are in the days that we are going to begin to see and experience these things. 


My unique calling in the body of Christ is that of a teacher. So, if I don’t come off real  prophetic right at the first, you’ll understand why. I didn’t have all of my things memorized like  Justin did. That was awesome. Wasn’t it awesome? Well, I’m going to start by mentioning  some things concerning refuge.  

In 1973 sister Gwen Shaw who was the founder of End-Time Handmaidens,also known  as Global Outpouring, had a series of dreams of difficult times to come. She knew that they  were to search for a place of refuge. A young prophetic minister named Sigi Pryke, who had  escaped from communist East Germany and who frequently ministered with sister Gwen, had a  vision of a beautiful valley. In the meanwhile, there was another minister by the name of Bob  Vanderberg, who we’ve known for many years. He told sister Gwen about a Christian  businessman in Arkansas by the name of Cece Ford who owned thousands of acres which he  had dedicated to the Lord for His purposes.  

As Gwen and Sigi came to look at CeCe Ford’s property they looked down into this  valley and they realized it was the exact valley that Sigi had seen in her vision. How they were  able to acquire all that land was an amazing miracle of God. I won’t even attempt to touch that.  In 1974 End-Time Handmaidens moved their headquarters from Chicago to Jasper, AR. The  following year, 1975, my parents, who were on the board of directors of that ministry, also  moved to Arkansas. Now my wife, Carolyn and I, we, thought Arkansas was a nice place to  visit, but we had no intention of ever living here. God let us goto Louisville and Texas, and then  New Year’s Eve of ‘91 we ended up in Arkansas. You don’t always go where you think you are  going to go. 

Another prophetic woman by the name of Thea Eros along with her parents were  supernaturally protected by the Lord from the Nazis in Austria.In 1948 they came to this nation.  In 1979 the Lord supernaturally took her up in a vision and said to her, “You are to be my  trumpet and you are to awaken my people from sleep. You are togo to my country, to the new Jerusalem.” Later that year the Lord began to clarify this to her. 

She was again taken up in the spirit and the Lord took her across the United States and  their feet would touchdown in specific geographic areas. There were six corner areas and a seventh area in the center of the United States. The Lord then instructed her to take a map of the  United States and draw lines connecting the places He had shown her. When the lines were all  connected, to her and others’ amazement, it was a Star of David. The Lord called all the area  within the star His new Jerusalem, and the inhabitants His true Israel. This seventh central area,  where the heartland states connect together in a 100-mile radius, she called the Tabernacle of 

David. The place of His heart and His throne. She also referred to it as Christ, the new man is  perfect. The places shown to her were to be places of refuge, places of learning, growing,  healing, restoration, and deeper teachings.  

In summer months she would frequently come to Jasper or Gravette, Arkansas to pray.  Amazingly enough she stayed in the home of the mother of the man that played Chester in the  old Gunsmoke movies. That’s where she came to pray, because the Lordhad shown her all these  things concerning the heartland.  

In the last few years God has raised up intercessory teams to visit these locations that she pinpointed on the map. When they began doing this, they had no knowledge that the places they  were going to had been shown to Thea Eros years before. So, when they saw a copy of the map that had been given to her by The Spirit, they were in utter amazement how the Holy Spirit had  led them. We had the privilege of meeting with a number of them over at our ministry center,  and it was tremendous to hear their testimonies, how God had led them. God led them to one  place where several states come together around New Mexico in a 100-mile radius. The Lord  told them to go reverse around this 100 miles and stop at different places as the Lord led them,  and to take communion and to redeem the land. They found out later that’s where the Dalai  Lama lives, in that 100-mile radius.It’s a center of witchcraft. God is using these things to bring  forth that which he has purposed in the land for years.  

Another person we’ve known for years is Shirley Crowell. She’s a pastor’s wife and  founder of Restoring the Gates Ministry. While preparing for statewide solemn assemblies in  1997 a prophetic nurse told her “It begins in the SA node.” Shirley knew that the nurse was  speaking of Columbia, MO, and that Columbia was an SA Node for the state of Missouri. So, she began preparation for the solemn assembly in Columbia. Three years later in the summer of  the year 2000 Shirley’s team was in Southwest City, MO, which is really close to here, which is  the connecting link for Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The Holy Spirit bore witness to  Shirley that this was the SA node for this region. Ever since that time she has called this region that we know as the heartland the SA Node. 

In confirmation of this a few months ago, Apostle Todd Murner began saying the same  thing. This is the same area Thea Eros identified as the Tabernacle of David. Then Chuck Pierce, in a 50-state tour with Dutch Sheets in February 2004, came to Arkansas. The word of  the Lord was Arkansas is a state of refuge where God will reinfuse hope. The Lord said, I am  going to restore the foundations.  

God is returning Arkansas to once again be the land of opportunity. Prayer teams will go  forth from Arkansas to leading cities all over the nation to break in. Arkansas has a deliverance  anointing on it. I am going to expose and dislodge the serpents says the Lord. Leviathan and the strongman over Arkansas whose cunning aspect is to distort communication will be cast down. Dislodge speaks to the Masonic structure in the state to be undone because God will deal with witchcraft. It is time for Arkansas to blossom, glory to God! Then the Lord said the river will come to Arkansas and flood the desert with life. No more mirages! The rivers that flow from the state will heal the land. Glory to God! 

In summary, Arkansas is a state of refuge. I like the way Justin brought it, not a place to  hide in a cave. The strong man over Arkansas will be brought down as well and Masonic  strongholds and witchcraft will be dislodged and brought down. The heartland will be a center  for prophetic worship and the glory of God. The heartland is for teaching, bringing people to maturity, and releasing them into ministry. The heartland is a type of the Tabernacle of David  therefore everything related to prophetic worship, the high praises of God, Mount Zion, and the throne and the government of God is to be manifested here. 

I want to speak some declarations. Everyone destined to come to Arkansas for refuge will be led here in God’s perfect time. We declare that Arkansas, the heartland, is coming into  God’s ordained purpose. Pretty clear that the high praises of God are demolishing strongholds  and establishing God’s throne in the heartland! We declare that like Mount Zion we are the  dwelling place of the Lord! We declare that the perfection of beauty is shining out of Zion and that the law and the word of God shall go forth from the heartland into this nation and to all the  nations of theearth. We declare that the streams of God are becoming a mighty river of the glory of God. 

Hallelujah! That little stream that moved down in the valley with End Time  Handmaidens, you realize that they touched nations all over the world, and it all streamed out of  Arkansas. There was just a beginning. The Lord says, “Many wonder why they are here, why they were brought to Arkansas?” They wondered, why couldn’t I have been somewhere else,  why did I have to come to this place? They are still wondering and wondering but the Lord says  that in the archives of heaven, in the scrolls of heaven, it was written, it was recorded, that you  should be here at this time and for His divine purposes. For ye even the boundaries of the  nations are ordained by mesays the Lord for indeed I brought you here at this time for my  purpose which I shall begin to unfold before you.  

Into this agree the words of the prophets as it is written after this I will return and I will  build again the Tabernacle of David which is falling down, and I will build again the ruins  thereof and, I will set it up that the rest of mankind might seek after the Lord and all the nations  upon whom my name is called sayeth the Lord who doeth all these things. The Lord would say  many have tried to accomplish these things in their own flesh many have striven, they have had  visions, and they have sought to do things, but this is the hour the Lord says when I am bringing  the streams of God together, and they shall accomplish what one man could not accomplish or  what two men could not accomplish. For it is my divine purpose says the Lord, you have come together in my timing then my purpose is to bring, to release the streams of God into the nation sayeth the Lord your God.

Scott Wood

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Pastor Curtis Holt